Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Zomgwtfbbq Fly is so cool... Wtf...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

We need moar boxers!

If you are interested in Multiboxing toss Fly a msg in game. I'll try and respond when I'm on. Ultimately, I'd like to find someone I can tank/heal with in end-game raids. I doubt this will happen before Cataclysm though. *Sigh*

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lock Boxing ZF

its not that great of an accomplishment, but i thought it was pretty cool for a couple level 44s O.o

the third lock is not mine, his name is Richtofen, level 45.

just thought id share heh

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ToC10 Notes for Northrend Beasts and Lord J

Since this weeks weekly raid is Lord J, I figured I would go to tankspot and breakdown the videos for each of the encounters. I figured it wouldn't be too hard, sheesh, a lot to think about in these encounters.

Northrend Beasts @ Tankspot

My Notes on Northrend Beasts

+++ Phase 1 Gormok

1. DoT - two Tanks Alt taunts @ 5 stacks. Hand of Protection on previous tank
2. Snobold gets on back of players (other raid members need to kill them)
3. Stay out of the fire
4. AoE stomp if you are in 15yds.

+++ Phase 2 Jormungar

1. Dread(Surface - Mobile) & Acid(Underground - Stuck in place)
have AoE ability, need to be tanked facing away from raid.

2. Dread Debuff
a.) Burning Bile
Directly melee attack on tank
AoE Molten Spew - Spread out
b.) Paralytic Toxin
Nature DoT... remove by getting hit by BB and vice versa.

Players with PT will need to move to the tank to help remove BB from tank.

Acidmaw spawns acid clouds like Grobulous encounter.

Kill Acidmaw first and then Dread. Once Acid dead, Dread deals 50% more dmg.

+++ Phase 3 Icehowl

1. AoE whirl - knocks back anyone in melee range.
2. Rand Target Member Artic Breath freezes everyone in cone. (Heal through)
a.) frost resist
3. Massive crash Ferocious Charge combo
a.) He Jumps Middle of room, knocks everyone to walls
b.) Picks raid member, roars, jumps back to charge
( When he jumps back, stun wears off and you get run/speed
buff. Run out of his way. )
c.) If no one gets hit, he stuns himself. Take increased dmg no threat here)

Lord J @ Tankspot

My Notes on Lord J

1. Fel Fireball - Interrupt (Assign someone)
2. Fel Lightning - Jumps to 5x players (ranged members spread out)
3. (ADD) - Mistris of Pain: Picked up by OT and burned down quickly
by anyone who isn't assigned to interrupt.
* off-target charge ability that will hit random raid member.
4. 2 Debuffs
a.) Legion Flames - Rand target DoT (Go to edge away)
b.) Incinerate Flesh - Must heal 30K+ heals to remove debuff

5. (ADD) - Fel Flame Infernal - Spawns from Small volcano
Picked up and tanked away from the raid
a.) Charge random raid member
b.) Stand still and channel aoe - Stay away.

### Breakdown
Move out of the fire, Heal players with incinerate flesh, stay spread out, interrupt fel fireball and kill the adds as they spawn.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How I rox my box

After reading Eternalsith's post I thought of writing one myself about keyclone and how I run my Pally/Shammy duo.

First off I'll tell you how to setup keyclone.
When you run keyclone you'll see a setup button. Go ahead and click that. The main thing you want to edit here is do-not-pass.
I check the strict and white-list because I would rather let keyclone know what keys I want to let pass through then the one's I don't. To add key strokes just click the and key em in.
Simple right? Good. When your done with that make sure you got both WoW windows up and just click the Add button then click your WoW window and then repeat for WoW window 2.
Then click Connect. If this is getting confusing then just google keyclone
setup or contact me.

Ok so we got keyclone setup. Now there are a few more things I do in order to make my box'n life a whole lot easier.

1. Sloppy focus. This is a term I recently learned about from Fly. It pretty much means when you move your mouse
over a window, that you don't have selected, that window will come up automatically. So say I'm playing in WoW window 1 and
want WoW 2 to heal/attack/whatever I would just move the mouse over WoW 2 and push the button, no need to click WoW
2 then push the button. May not seem like much but it helps when your box'n.

Sloppy focus setup for Win 7.

*Creds go to guides and tutorials I found online. Can't remember where but props to you my friend(s).

First off go to Start->Control Panel then Ease of Access. Click Change how your mouse works. Then check the Activate a
window by hovering over it with the mouse.

Second I found that the time delay was too long. I wanted it to be instant so I wasn't waisting time.
Go Start-> and in the search progs area type regedit. Now don't hold me responsible if you mess up your registry
if you don't know what your doing then don't do it :D.

Where you want to go is:

Control Panel
and in Desktop find ActiveWndTrkTimeout
right click and click modify...

go to the decimal, the default is 250 I believe. I changed mine to 15. This is only for when I play WoW you can
change the settings back at anytime.

Note that if you want the changes of the registry to take effect you must log out and then log back in. No need to restart just a
re-login will do.

2. Key-binding and Keyclone white-list. This is where you really need to focus. My keybindings are pretty simple.

Shift+F = Shammy follow Pally.
Shift+S = Shammy Backs up and out of follow. (no bindings needed just add shift+s to the whitelist)
Shift+1 = Shammy drops totem set 1.
Shift+R = Shammy earth shield on Pally.
Shift+D = Shammy casts healing wave on Pally.

This is just to give you an idea and help you out. The first two I find very important. I can just have the shammy follow me and when i enter combat hit shift+s and then shift+1 and shammys in healing position.
You don't want to follow the entire time because if the main moves then casting is impossible for toon 2.
This is all stuff you'll learn as you go but thought this might help a little.